Find your Way to Damascus VA, one-page factsheet |
Find your Way to Damascus
Resources and Incentives for Businesses & Entrepreneurs
Resources and Incentives for Businesses & Entrepreneurs
Welcome to the Friendliest Town on the Trail!
Damascus, Virginia has a longstanding tourism and outdoor recreation economy, largely due to our status as a gateway community to Mount Rogers National Recreation Area and its associated assets, including the Virginia Creeper Trail and Appalachian Trail. Several trails intersect within town limits as well, bringing along people, stories, and culture from all walks of life. Thanks to the efforts of our community - local government, dedicated staff, scores of volunteers, and residents - we've found ways to turn these trails and our other outdoor recreation resources into a source of local pride and community revitalization. The town has a population of 728 residents (2020 Census), yet we welcome an estimated 300,000 visitors per year. Each May, Damascus swells to an estimated 25,000 people for the world's largest celebration of the Appalachian Trail and hiker culture, the Appalachian Trail Days Festival.
The trail town lifestyle is adventurous and creative, yet relaxed. From the many trails, parks, and public lands, to our shops and restaurants downtown, there is an adventure for everyone here. We cherish this lifestyle and we know you will too.
Virginia is ranked the #1 Best State for Business by CNBC.
Recreation Economy
Local businesses benefit from a robust visitor market. 60% of customers live outside of Washington County, Virginia, and about half travel from another state. In three one-week surveys in 2023, the Damascus visitor market reached 49 states, plus Washington DC, Guam, Puerto Rico, and 13 other countries.
The Damascus market supports a mix of businesses, many of which are locally owned: general retail/grocery, food & beverage, lodging, specialty retail, and hiking and biking outfitters. As a collaborative partnership between local businesses and the Town, the Damascus Business Group exists to make all of our various products and assets - cultural and recreational - accessible to as many adventurers as possible.
Learn more about the Damascus Business Group, the 2023 & 2014 market assessments, and our tourism assets:
- The local market still represents 54% of our overall customer base. This identified trade area has a population of 55,480 residents, which sustains local businesses throughout the year.
- Visitation tends to be more three-season with slower winter months but the December to March season has seen continued growth in recent years. Peak visitation is in May and October.
The Damascus market supports a mix of businesses, many of which are locally owned: general retail/grocery, food & beverage, lodging, specialty retail, and hiking and biking outfitters. As a collaborative partnership between local businesses and the Town, the Damascus Business Group exists to make all of our various products and assets - cultural and recreational - accessible to as many adventurers as possible.
Learn more about the Damascus Business Group, the 2023 & 2014 market assessments, and our tourism assets:
Incorporated in 1904 as a railroad town during the lumber boom of the early 20th century, this small-town economy reinvented itself through outdoor recreation and tourism in the 1990s and has been thriving ever since. Tourism is one of the largest economic drivers in Washington County, VA, second only to agriculture.
Recent projects and associated grant funds have resulted in more than $3 million in additional investment in community development over the past ten years. Large-scale projects include development of the Damascus Trail Center, Laurel Creek Park, and Beaverdam Creek Trail, plus projects toward downtown revitalization, the concept of a 15-minute city, community forestry, housing rehabilitation, and more.
Learn more about projects and planning in Damascus:
Recent projects and associated grant funds have resulted in more than $3 million in additional investment in community development over the past ten years. Large-scale projects include development of the Damascus Trail Center, Laurel Creek Park, and Beaverdam Creek Trail, plus projects toward downtown revitalization, the concept of a 15-minute city, community forestry, housing rehabilitation, and more.
Learn more about projects and planning in Damascus:
Demographics, Statistics & Climate
The Town of Damascus has approximately 728 residents (2020 Census) and occupies approximately 0.8 square miles within Washington County, Virginia. Damascus is one of four towns within the county, which has a population of 53,935 residents over a land area of 561 square miles. The top economic drivers of Washington County are agriculture and tourism. The county is well situated with nearby access to Interstate 81, Interstate 26, and Interstate 77. Damascus is located just 10 miles from Interstate 81 via four lane on US-58.
Damascus, Virginia sits at an elevation of 1,952' in the shadow of the Mount Rogers High Country, which holds the highest peaks in Virginia, five of which are over 5,000 feet in elevation: Mount Rogers (5,729'), Whitetop Mountain (5,525'), Pine Mountain/Wilburn Ridge (5,525'), Buzzard Rock (5,095'), and Haw Orchard Mountain (5,0007'). The area sees an average of 45 inches of rain and 12 inches of snow each year, with approximately 200 sunny days. The average high temperature is 84 degrees in July and average low is 23 degrees in January.* |
Cost of Living: 83% of national average
Median Home Cost: $203,200 Average Salary: $54,737 Low Unemployment Rate: 4.6% Low Violent Crime Rate: 9.6 (U.S. average 22.7) |
Tax Rates:
County Real Estate 0.600 County Personal Property 1.700 Town Real Estate 0.460 Town Personal Property 0.520** |
*Demographic data and local statistics were sourced from and and updated in July 2024.
**Tax rates are per $100 of assessed value.
**Tax rates are per $100 of assessed value.
Resources, Incentives & Regional Partnerships
The Town of Damascus, Washington County, and the Commonwealth of Virginia have a number of resources and incentives for businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to relocate to Damascus, Virginia. Virginia is ranked the #1 Best State for Business by CNBC and the #4 Best State for Business by Forbes.
Damascus Business Group
The Damascus Business Group (DBG) is a network of Damascus’ finest, a collaborative partnership developed between local businesses and the Town in the pursuit of making all of our various products and assets – cultural and recreational – accessible to as many adventurers as possible. The DBG was developed in 2014 to promote communication between the private sector and local government of Damascus in the effort to build a stronger overall marketing capacity for the Town. The Damascus Economic Restructuring Plan, developed for the Town in 2015, positions the DBG to focus on marketing first, with business communication and networking second. Learn more about the Damascus Business Group.
Washington County, Virginia
Damascus is one of four towns within Washington County, among Abingdon, Glade Spring, and Saltville. The county has a population of 53,935 (2020) over a land area of 561 square miles The top two industries in Washington County are agriculture and tourism. Learn more about Washington County.
- Department of Community & Economic Development attracts and retains quality jobs, diversifies the economy, and broadens the tax base in Washington County. This is accomplished through the creation of a desirable quality of life, competitively positioned industrial sites, a strong and well-trained workforce, and a pro-business environment that encourages new investment and enterprise. More information.
- Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer association of business people working together to improve the economic and civic vitality of our community. Financed by member’s investments, the Chamber is independent of all other organizations and groups and is the voice of the business community in Washington County, VA. More information.
- Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is the primary organization responsible for industrial development within Washington County, including the development of publicly owned industrial parks and a variety of financing mechanisms to assist in the location or expansion of industry within the County. More information.
Mount Rogers Planning District Commission (MRPDC)
MRPDC is one of the twenty-one planning district commissions in Virginia and promotes regional cooperation and planning in Southwest Virginia. Their work is centered chiefly on providing technical assistance to area jurisdictions in economic and community development, public management and administration, and cartography. Economic development activities include assisting jurisdictions in preparing grant applications for economic development projects, publishing a quarterly report of economic indicators, and maintaining a comprehensive regional economic development strategy. Learn more about MRPDC.
Additional Resources & Partnerships
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is an economic development partnership entity of the federal government and 13 state governments focusing on 423 counties across the Appalachian Region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia. ARC invests in Appalachia’s economic future by providing grants, publishing research, and sponsoring learning experiences – all to help the Region’s communities seize their opportunities, address economic disparity and advance prosperity. Learn more about ARC.
Southwest Virginia Alliance for Manufacturing (SVAM)
SVAM is a non-profit organization focused on supporting and strengthening manufacturers in the region. SVAM’s vision is to unite Southwest Virginia manufacturers to strengthen our position as a world-leading region of advanced manufacturing opportunities. SVAM provides direct services such as resources support, providing opportunities for manufacturers to share best practices with one another, promoting job openings, offering trainings, and much more. As a membership-driven organization, SVAM offers a menu of benefits exclusive to its member companies. Learn more about SVAM.
Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP)
VEDP is a state authority that serves expanding and new businesses through assistance for site selection, workforce solutions, and international trade services. Learn more about VEDP.
Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator (VHSBI)
The Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator helps start-up, expanding, and transitioning businesses to expand and grow in Southwest Virginia. They also serve organizations serving cultural, health and social interests in the immediate region and beyond. The Incubator provides support, guidance, reasonable rent, and necessary services to foster a successful business community. Learn more about VHSBI.
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is an economic development partnership entity of the federal government and 13 state governments focusing on 423 counties across the Appalachian Region. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia. ARC invests in Appalachia’s economic future by providing grants, publishing research, and sponsoring learning experiences – all to help the Region’s communities seize their opportunities, address economic disparity and advance prosperity. Learn more about ARC.
Southwest Virginia Alliance for Manufacturing (SVAM)
SVAM is a non-profit organization focused on supporting and strengthening manufacturers in the region. SVAM’s vision is to unite Southwest Virginia manufacturers to strengthen our position as a world-leading region of advanced manufacturing opportunities. SVAM provides direct services such as resources support, providing opportunities for manufacturers to share best practices with one another, promoting job openings, offering trainings, and much more. As a membership-driven organization, SVAM offers a menu of benefits exclusive to its member companies. Learn more about SVAM.
Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP)
VEDP is a state authority that serves expanding and new businesses through assistance for site selection, workforce solutions, and international trade services. Learn more about VEDP.
Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator (VHSBI)
The Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator helps start-up, expanding, and transitioning businesses to expand and grow in Southwest Virginia. They also serve organizations serving cultural, health and social interests in the immediate region and beyond. The Incubator provides support, guidance, reasonable rent, and necessary services to foster a successful business community. Learn more about VHSBI.
More information and resources coming soon!