Projects Complete & Underway...
Urban & Community Forestry, 2024 (ongoing)
The Town of Damascus is working to manage a more resilient urban forest within the corporate boundaries of the Town, primarily within its public parks and rights-of-way. Using grant funding from the Virginia Department of Forestry, the Town is removing approximately 100 hazard trees in winter 2024/25, many of which are ash or hemlock that were previously impacted by invasive species. The Town has three main goals in developing a long-term Forest Resiliency Plan: to improve the diversity of native tree species, reverse the net loss of public trees, and protect riparian areas to aid in flood resilience.
Comprehensive Plan Update, 2024 (ongoing)
As part of the Damascus Comprehensive Plan update process, the Damascus Planning Commission and Mount Rogers Planning District Commission prepared a Damascus Community Survey to collect as much useful information from the community as possible as we update the umbrella plan for the community’s future development path. The Comprehensive Plan is an important document that describes the past, present, and potential future of Damascus, and we ask everyone to share their voice during this process. The Town is currently in the process of updating the 2013 Plan.
Beaverdam Creek Trail (Phase 3), 2023
Nearly 20 years in the making, the third and final phase of the Beaverdam Creek Trail was completed in spring 2023. This project cost approximately $60,000 in funds from the Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) ARPA Tourism Recovery Program. VTC received a $50 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) appropriation by Governor Ralph Northam and the Virginia General Assembly in 2022 to assist in the revitalization of Virginia's tourism industry with financial resources to overcome the negative impact of COVID-19 and support attracting visitors to destinations across the state.
The completed Beaverdam Creek Trail progresses the concept of a 15-minute neighborhood in Damascus by connecting residents and visitors on the south side of town to the downtown corridor. The trail extends about a mile from the historic caboose in the Damascus Town Park, south by the Damascus Branch Library, and down to the county ballfields at Beaverdam Creek Park. Beaverdam Creek Trail is a rail-trail and gets its name from the Beaver Dam Railroad, a short-line railroad that operated in the early 20th century.
The completed Beaverdam Creek Trail progresses the concept of a 15-minute neighborhood in Damascus by connecting residents and visitors on the south side of town to the downtown corridor. The trail extends about a mile from the historic caboose in the Damascus Town Park, south by the Damascus Branch Library, and down to the county ballfields at Beaverdam Creek Park. Beaverdam Creek Trail is a rail-trail and gets its name from the Beaver Dam Railroad, a short-line railroad that operated in the early 20th century.
Scattered Site Housing Rehabilitation Project (Phase 1), 2022 - 2024
Following a town-wide housing assessment completed in 2020, the Town of Damascus was awarded a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the Virginia Dept. of Housing & Community Development in the amount of $771,300.00 to substantially rehabilitation 4 houses, rehabilitate 2 houses, and demolish 3 uninhabitable structures within the corporate limits of the Town. This project follows in the wake of major improvements to the downtown business district and continues the Town's efforts toward improving quality of life of citizens and removing blight from areas of the community - additional phases of scattered-site housing rehab projects are expected in order to achieve the Town's goals.

Damascus FONSI+IRROF - Scattered Housing 10-15-2021 |
Housing Assessment Grant, 2020 - 2021
The Town has received $30,000 in funding from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to hire planning services and a housing rehabilitation specialist to complete a town-wide housing assessment. This assessment will quantitatively and qualitatively analyze data collected relating to the housing stock of Damascus. The assessment will be utilized to apply to DHCD for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to assist low-to-moderate income housing needs.
For more information on the assessment of the available funding, please call the Town Hall at 276-475-3831 or e-mail Gavin Blevins at [email protected].
For more information on the assessment of the available funding, please call the Town Hall at 276-475-3831 or e-mail Gavin Blevins at [email protected].
Damascus Trail Center, 2017 - 2021
As part of an Appalachian Regional Commission POWER grant awarded in the fall of 2016 to Friends of SWVA, the Town of Damascus will be constructing a new trail center on West Laurel Ave across from the Town Hall. The Town is partnering with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy as the primary tenant for the new trail center. The Town of Damascus secured additional funding from the Tobacco Region revitalization commission, and the final construction costs for the new trail center were around $775,000.
The trail center will support visitor information, exhibits on the neighboring trails and assets, and training seminars. The trail center will serve as the anchor piece for downtown businesses and recreational assets such as the Appalachian Trail, Virginia Creeper Trail, and public parks. Through this project, the Town will further secure its namesake as “Trail Town USA”. The project was featured in an article in the AT Journeys magazine titled VISITOR CENTER COMING TO TRAIL TOWN USA.
The selected architectural firm for this project is McCarty Holsaple McCarty, Inc. out of Knoxville, TN, and design began in November 2017; sub-consultants firms include Prosim Engineering, Gay & Neel, Inc., Holston Engineering, and Quinn Craughwell.
The trail center will support visitor information, exhibits on the neighboring trails and assets, and training seminars. The trail center will serve as the anchor piece for downtown businesses and recreational assets such as the Appalachian Trail, Virginia Creeper Trail, and public parks. Through this project, the Town will further secure its namesake as “Trail Town USA”. The project was featured in an article in the AT Journeys magazine titled VISITOR CENTER COMING TO TRAIL TOWN USA.
The selected architectural firm for this project is McCarty Holsaple McCarty, Inc. out of Knoxville, TN, and design began in November 2017; sub-consultants firms include Prosim Engineering, Gay & Neel, Inc., Holston Engineering, and Quinn Craughwell.

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Damascus Waterfront Development Initiative, 2016 - 2021
The Damascus Waterfront Development Initiative is a construction project that the Town applied to the Appalachian Regional Commission for funds to implement. On April 18, 2016, the governor announced funding for the project. The Town applied to ARC for nearly $499,908, utilizing over $1 million in match from the Downtown Revitalization project and from private investment by a local business and stakeholder in the project. Through this project the Town will expand the Downtown Connector corridor into what is being called the ‘Riverwalk’, redesign and develop a local access roadway to key property the Town will acquire through agreement with a local stakeholder as part of this project, create a “green-space” and construct an amphitheater to host events, build infrastructure key to the development of the Outdoor Recreation & Nature Center concept, and increase capacity to support growth and prosperity of the downtown business district. Through this project, land will be secured for public use, and necessary public facilities and amenities will be improved and constructed to support the needs of businesses and citizens.
Destination by Design:
Damascus Downtown Revitalization, 2015 - 2021
The Damascus Downtown Revitalization is a Department of Housing and Community Development funded project including over $654,000 of grant funding, nearly $180,000 of private match, and over $89,000 of local match – about $34,000 of which the Community Pathways Project, managed by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, is directly responsible for raising; in total, this project is worth over $950,000 of investment in the Damascus downtown. Through this project, the Town will acquire 1 property in the heart of downtown for current use and future economic development, create a Downtown Connector which includes 1000 LF of existing corridor improvements and 500 LF of new ADA corridor construction linking the Creeper Trail, Appalachian Trail, and Laurel Creek waterfront assets together, utilize the Economic Restructuring Plan of the Town to implement a way-finding system, including new signage, and initiate usage of the Town’s new branding system, as well as, improve business facades through a 50:50 match program implemented by the Town. Outcomes of this project will provide a means for the Town to recapture about $29 million dollars in leakage from the primary trade area, connect over 150,000 cyclists on the Creeper Trail to the downtown, attract 4,300 motorists daily to visit our downtown, acquire a property for the development of the Outdoor Recreation & Nature Center concept, and create an overall safer, more friendly and inviting Town for residents and adventurers.

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Beaverdam Creek Trail (Phase 2), 2004 - 2018
The Beaverdam Creek Trail is a Virginia DOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)-funded project initiated by the Town of Damascus and locally administered by the Town. The cost of the project is approximately $500,250 and is funded by a TAP grant from VDOT by which the Town fronts 20% of the total project cost and the other 80% is grant-funded. The project began with the construction of the Damascus Library, and for those who have looked closely at the library, the sign for the trail and beginning section of the trail (paved section) has already been completed. The completed trail includes a bridge across Beaverdam Creek and directly connects the library with the recreation ball fields on the other side. The trail and bridge are open to pedestrian and bicycle use, with the bridge spanning 14 ft by 90 ft across Beaverdam Creek. The Beaverdam Creek Trail was the 7th trail dedicated within the Town of Damascus and further establishes the Town’s position as a friendly place to walk, bike, and be connected – with safety in mind. Construction was completed on September 28th of 2018.

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Brownfields Assessment, 2016 - 2017
The Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC) of Virginia Tech received a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment grant to assess and help communities develop conceptual redevelopment plans for potentially contaminated sites in SWVA communities. The EPA Assessment Grant provides funding for CDAC to help communities determine if a site is contaminated (and if so, with what), and then to plan for the possible redevelopment of that site through conceptual design development.
The CDAC is working with Cardno, an infrastructure and environmental services company, on the assessment and redevelopment plans for the old service station located at 132 E Laurel Ave, Damascus, Virginia. The general process involves testing f the site for contaminants and developing a concept for redeveloping the site (conceptual design will be accomplished with the aid of citizen input during community meetings, as well as with the Town’s adopted Master Plan). The grant does not require cleanup or further investment from the community, but is rather to create a vision and position for future development.
The CDAC is working with Cardno, an infrastructure and environmental services company, on the assessment and redevelopment plans for the old service station located at 132 E Laurel Ave, Damascus, Virginia. The general process involves testing f the site for contaminants and developing a concept for redeveloping the site (conceptual design will be accomplished with the aid of citizen input during community meetings, as well as with the Town’s adopted Master Plan). The grant does not require cleanup or further investment from the community, but is rather to create a vision and position for future development.

Damascus Brownfield Assessment Final Report |
Community Pathways Project (Phase 2), 2014 - 2016
The Community Pathways Project is administered by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy with the partnership of the Town. This project replaces sidewalk along Main Street Damascus with custom bricks, available for order at a cost of $100 each, where the Appalachian Trail runs through Damascus. This project supports community revitalization efforts in Damascus, increases our connection with the Tail, creates investment in the partnership between Damascus, the Trail, ATC, trail clubs, and travelers along the Trail. Engrave a memory here in Damascus for everyone to experience on their journey along the beautiful Appalachian Trail.
All donations will benefit community and economic development projects in the Town of Damascus, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s A.T. Community™ program, and Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club (MRATC). The last batch of bricks will be ordered this summer on July 1st, 2016.
The final batch of bricks for Phase 2 were installed in December 2016 on Christmas week. This project is now on hiatus under the next phase begins – Phase 3 will begin on a date to be decided, but the Town is currently accepting participants to be alerted once Phase 3 begins.
All donations will benefit community and economic development projects in the Town of Damascus, the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s A.T. Community™ program, and Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club (MRATC). The last batch of bricks will be ordered this summer on July 1st, 2016.
The final batch of bricks for Phase 2 were installed in December 2016 on Christmas week. This project is now on hiatus under the next phase begins – Phase 3 will begin on a date to be decided, but the Town is currently accepting participants to be alerted once Phase 3 begins.
Mount Rogers Regional Initiative, 2014 - 2016
The Mount Rogers Regional Initiative is a Department of Housing and Community Development Planning Grant funded project initiated by the Town of Damascus and administered by the Mount Rogers Planning District Commission. The primary outcome of this project is to create and sustain an outdoor recreation industry in the region surrounding Mount Rogers as well as position the included towns as ‘base camps’ for the surrounding outdoor recreation opportunities. The towns of Chilhowie, Damascus, Glade Spring, Independence, Marion, Rural Retreat, Saltville, and Troutdale, along with the counties of Grayson and Smyth are included in this project. Seven of the eight (8) towns are currently working on some form of downtown revitalization on the local level. The purpose of this project is to tie all these local initiatives together into a regional effort to develop, brand, and market the region as an “outdoor recreation Mecca”. The outputs of this project include an economic restructuring framework and branding & marketing system.

Mount Roger Economic Restructuring Framework 2016 |
Damascus Market Assessment, 2014
In 2013, the Town of Damascus received a Business District Revitalization Planning Grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Specifically, the DHCD-Town agreement requires these outcomes and products:
OUTCOME: To have a local economy in downtown Damascus that is less susceptible to seasonal downturns during the winter months.
PRODUCT: An Economic Restructuring Plan that will evaluate the causes of the Town’s cyclical economy and make recommendations as to how to increase business in the current annual periods of economic downturn. Product steps are to include the following.
1. Evaluation and analysis of the Town’s cyclical economy to include types of current businesses and profile their economic contributions “in-season”.
2. Research similar communities that have successfully found methods to increase business in out-of-season periods. Said research should include actual site visits to at least one researched community. (Note: This “benchmarking” product will be conducted by the Town and is not a part of this consulting contract.)
3. Based on the data developed as part of first two steps develop a framework for the Economic Restructuring Plan and produce a draft for review by the Management Team and appropriate stakeholders.
4. Submit Final Draft of Economic Restructuring Plan to Management Team and for approval and adoption by Town Council.
In accordance with DHCD guidelines for Business District Revitalization, the Town’s next step is to develop through this scope of services: (1) Downtown Economic Restructuring/Marketing Plan (consisting of a Business Market Analysis, Business Development Strategy, and Marketing “Branding” Strategy), and (2) Downtown Revitalization Master Plan to identify potential physical improvements and initiatives that will foster the recommended economic restructuring, with special emphasis on developing a Destination Trails Center and/or other supporting initiatives or infrastructure to make the town more economically sustainable, year-round. The Consultant Team will work with Town Officials, the Project Management Team, DHCD representatives, and citizens to develop a Business District Revitalization Plan that can be the basis of a competitive Community Improvement Grant Application in March 2015.
OUTCOME: To have a local economy in downtown Damascus that is less susceptible to seasonal downturns during the winter months.
PRODUCT: An Economic Restructuring Plan that will evaluate the causes of the Town’s cyclical economy and make recommendations as to how to increase business in the current annual periods of economic downturn. Product steps are to include the following.
1. Evaluation and analysis of the Town’s cyclical economy to include types of current businesses and profile their economic contributions “in-season”.
2. Research similar communities that have successfully found methods to increase business in out-of-season periods. Said research should include actual site visits to at least one researched community. (Note: This “benchmarking” product will be conducted by the Town and is not a part of this consulting contract.)
3. Based on the data developed as part of first two steps develop a framework for the Economic Restructuring Plan and produce a draft for review by the Management Team and appropriate stakeholders.
4. Submit Final Draft of Economic Restructuring Plan to Management Team and for approval and adoption by Town Council.
In accordance with DHCD guidelines for Business District Revitalization, the Town’s next step is to develop through this scope of services: (1) Downtown Economic Restructuring/Marketing Plan (consisting of a Business Market Analysis, Business Development Strategy, and Marketing “Branding” Strategy), and (2) Downtown Revitalization Master Plan to identify potential physical improvements and initiatives that will foster the recommended economic restructuring, with special emphasis on developing a Destination Trails Center and/or other supporting initiatives or infrastructure to make the town more economically sustainable, year-round. The Consultant Team will work with Town Officials, the Project Management Team, DHCD representatives, and citizens to develop a Business District Revitalization Plan that can be the basis of a competitive Community Improvement Grant Application in March 2015.

Damascus Market Assessment 2014 |